The Portrait Society | Lucas van Leyden

4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Lucas van Leyden was a Dutch painter and engraver. It is documented that he already attracted attention as a painter at the age of twelve and engraved his first copperplate at the age of fourteen. Lucas van Leyden was the first Dutch artist to become internationally known as an engraver. He learned the basics in his father's workshop, and after his father's death, Cornelis Engelbrechtsen continued to teach him. There is evidence that he met Albrecht Dürer in Antwerp in 1522, and that he travelled through what is now Belgium in 1527. During this journey, he fell ill and never recovered. He had to spend the last six years of his life lying down, but continued to produce drawings, engravings and paintings. In his short life, Lucas van Leyden produced over 200 printing plates, as well as numerous drawings and paintings.

Lucas van Leyden was a Dutch painter and engraver. It is documented that he already attracted attention as a painter at the age of twelve and engraved his first copperplate at the age of fourteen. Lucas van Leyden was the first Dutch artist to become internationally known as an engraver. He learned the basics in his father's workshop, and after his father's death, Cornelis Engelbrechtsen continued to teach him. There is evidence that he met Albrecht Dürer in Antwerp in 1522, and that he travelled through what is now Belgium in 1527. During this journey, he fell ill and never recovered. He had to spend the last six years of his life lying down, but continued to produce drawings, engravings and paintings. In his short life, Lucas van Leyden produced over 200 printing plates, as well as numerous drawings and paintings.


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