The Portrait Society | Claudio Ridolfi

5/8/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Claudio Ridolfi was an Italian painter who was born in Verona as the illegitimate son of a nobleman. His father enabled him to train in the Venetian workshop of Paolo Veronese from around 1585. In Rome, Ridolfi continued his training in the workshop of Federico Barocci. From 1590, Ridolfi lived in Urbino and occasionally accepted commissions in Rome. In Urbino, he initially worked mainly as a portraitist, among others for Duke Francesco Maria II della Rovere. Around 1612, Ridolfi moved with his family to Corinaldo, a small town in the province of Ancona, where he opened a workshop and had several apprentices and employees. Ridolfi received commissions from churches and painted numerous altarpieces for churches in Urbino and the surrounding area. He also designed festive decorations for the Dukes of Urbino.

Claudio Ridolfi was an Italian painter who was born in Verona as the illegitimate son of a nobleman. His father enabled him to train in the Venetian workshop of Paolo Veronese from around 1585. In Rome, Ridolfi continued his training in the workshop of Federico Barocci. From 1590, Ridolfi lived in Urbino and occasionally accepted commissions in Rome. In Urbino, he initially worked mainly as a portraitist, among others for Duke Francesco Maria II della Rovere. Around 1612, Ridolfi moved with his family to Corinaldo, a small town in the province of Ancona, where he opened a workshop and had several apprentices and employees. Ridolfi received commissions from churches and painted numerous altarpieces for churches in Urbino and the surrounding area. He also designed festive decorations for the Dukes of Urbino.


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