The Portrait Society | Jacopo da Empoli

21/7/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Jacopo da Empoli, who also appears in literature as L'Empoli or Jacopo Chimenti, was a Florentine painter whose family came from the town of Empoli. He lived and worked in Florence all his life. After training in the workshop of Maso da San Friano, he became, together with his contemporary Santi di Tito, a major representative of Counter Mannerism. In his paintings, he was striving for the clarity and simplicity of High Renaissance painting. Da Empoli was a busy painter. He received numerous commissions for altarpieces, which are still to be seen in churches in Florence and in other Tuscan cities. He also painted still lifes and obtained many commissions from private clients, including the Medici family. He worked until old age. Despite his extensive oeuvre and the large number of commissions from wealthy collectors, Jacopo da Empoli died impoverished. He was buried in the church of San Lorenzo in Florence. Da Empoli painted his self-portrait, the model for this portrait by Roland Schauls, around 1595 for Cardinal Carlo de' Medici, for whom he had produced several paintings. It has been in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery since 1682.

Jacopo da Empoli, who also appears in literature as L'Empoli or Jacopo Chimenti, was a Florentine painter whose family came from the town of Empoli. He lived and worked in Florence all his life. After training in the workshop of Maso da San Friano, he became, together with his contemporary Santi di Tito, a major representative of Counter Mannerism. In his paintings, he was striving for the clarity and simplicity of High Renaissance painting. Da Empoli was a busy painter. He received numerous commissions for altarpieces, which are still to be seen in churches in Florence and in other Tuscan cities. He also painted still lifes and obtained many commissions from private clients, including the Medici family. He worked until old age. Despite his extensive oeuvre and the large number of commissions from wealthy collectors, Jacopo da Empoli died impoverished. He was buried in the church of San Lorenzo in Florence. Da Empoli painted his self-portrait, the model for this portrait by Roland Schauls, around 1595 for Cardinal Carlo de' Medici, for whom he had produced several paintings. It has been in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery since 1682.


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