The Portrait Society | Niccolò Cannicci

2/7/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Niccolò Cannicci was a 19th century painter from Florence. From 1862 to 1865, he studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence and after that at a school for nude painting. In 1872, he first exhibited a genre painting in Florence, which was later lithographed. In 1875, Cannicci went on a month-long study trip to Paris with a group of fellow painters, during which they met several Impressionist artists. From 1885, Cannicci was a member of the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence and was appointed professor of painting in 1892. In addition to genre scenes and landscapes, Cannicci also produced illustrations for books and magazines. When he was in a hospital in Siena in 1891 because of mental problems, he filled an entire sketchbook with portrait drawings of the patients. Cannicci took part in several international art exhibitions, including the Royal Academy Exhibition in London, the 1878 Universal Exhibition in Paris and the Venice Biennale. Cannicci's self-portrait in the Uffizi, the model for this portrait by Roland Schauls, was bought by the museum from Canicci's heirs in 1938.

Niccolò Cannicci was a 19th century painter from Florence. From 1862 to 1865, he studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence and after that at a school for nude painting. In 1872, he first exhibited a genre painting in Florence, which was later lithographed. In 1875, Cannicci went on a month-long study trip to Paris with a group of fellow painters, during which they met several Impressionist artists. From 1885, Cannicci was a member of the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence and was appointed professor of painting in 1892. In addition to genre scenes and landscapes, Cannicci also produced illustrations for books and magazines. When he was in a hospital in Siena in 1891 because of mental problems, he filled an entire sketchbook with portrait drawings of the patients. Cannicci took part in several international art exhibitions, including the Royal Academy Exhibition in London, the 1878 Universal Exhibition in Paris and the Venice Biennale. Cannicci's self-portrait in the Uffizi, the model for this portrait by Roland Schauls, was bought by the museum from Canicci's heirs in 1938.


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