The Portrait Society | Giuseppe Bezzuoli

31/8/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Giuseppe Bezzuoli was an Italian painter and one of the main representatives of academic romanticism in Italy. From 1796, he attended the Accademia di Belle Arti in his home town of Florence. In 1801, he won the Academy's first prize in the category of nude drawing. A scholarship enabled him in 1812 to settle and study in Rome for the following three years. Bezzuoli specialised in history painting, which he executed as frescoes and panel paintings, but also received numerous commissions for portraits. He worked in several Italian cities, including Rome, Venice, Genoa and Turin. Bezzuoli was an extremely sought-after painter. He painted several religious works for ecclesiastical patrons, portrayed noblemen and the upper middle classes and decorated villas. In addition to numerous paintings and frescoes, Bezzuoli left over 1000 drawings, most of which are in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery.

Giuseppe Bezzuoli was an Italian painter and one of the main representatives of academic romanticism in Italy. From 1796, he attended the Accademia di Belle Arti in his home town of Florence. In 1801, he won the Academy's first prize in the category of nude drawing. A scholarship enabled him in 1812 to settle and study in Rome for the following three years. Bezzuoli specialised in history painting, which he executed as frescoes and panel paintings, but also received numerous commissions for portraits. He worked in several Italian cities, including Rome, Venice, Genoa and Turin. Bezzuoli was an extremely sought-after painter. He painted several religious works for ecclesiastical patrons, portrayed noblemen and the upper middle classes and decorated villas. In addition to numerous paintings and frescoes, Bezzuoli left over 1000 drawings, most of which are in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery.


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